This is my group's final video.

For our short film we had to make a company name and a logo. we chose the name "Dawn Productions".


For our film we didn't have any dialogue in our film. we decided to put omusic over the top and would help the viewer focus more on what is happening in the film.
We chose the song "Play" by Flunk. This song was chose because we believed it would fit with the film and the audience would still focus on the film instead of the song. The song starts when the robot is introduced into the film. This makes it seem as the song is a soundtrack for the robot's life in the film.

Film Ending

Unlike the storyboard, we had to change the end for our film because we only had 30 seconds left, so we decided to make the robot fall off the top of the car park and find a ligter and set himself on fire. we decided this was the best outocme and stick to the meaning in the film and the title "Curiosity".

My Ancillary Task

This post shows the two ancillary tasks my group created to go with the short film we created. our groupo chose a magazine review and a magazine poster to accompany the film.

Teacher Targets

Make sure that you have evidence - of codes and conventions analysed for the film reviews and posters and then the creation of yours - final products analysed and linked back to the ones that you have analysed. Audience feedback of the final products.

Technical decisions and revisions post - with an editing update. - coulkd discuss the ending in particular and the processes you have gone through